Catholic Nashville

Catholic Nashville (3 Minute Theology)

Three Minute Theology was born out of a desire to spread the joy of the Gospel to people regardless of who they are, where they are, and how busy they are. If we want to love Jesus, we need to know him. So who is Jesus? Who is His Bride, the Church? Why do Catholics believe what they believe and do what they do?

3MT aims at helping Catholics know more about their Faith and gives them a way to share what they believe. Know someone with questions about the Church? There just might be a 3MT episode that begins to answer those questions.

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3m 45s
Since there are no recorded words from Joseph in Scripture, sometimes we forget about him. But he was chosen by God to be the foster father of Jesus, so he's worth some attention.
3m 17s
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed.
3m 34s
During Lent, we try to ramp up our efforts to pray, fast, and give alms. What does it mean to give alms?
4m 16s
Being pro-life is more than a political issue. It's a human rights issue. And we need to have an honest conversation about how to better serve women and men who are out there suffering.
3m 40s
Why do we use incense in the liturgy? Did you know it has rich Scriptural roots?
1m 49s
a bonus video! Liked our episode on vestments? Now check out the beautiful vesting prayers a priest prays as he prepares for Mass.
3m 41s
In this episode of 3MT, we look at the part of the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass called the epiclesis.
3m 40s
In this week's Three Minute Theology: Sacraments - not the specific detail, but what ARE Sacraments in general?
Do we stop to think about what we're doing when we make the Sign of the Cross, or do we just do it out of habit?
3m 45s
If Christ died for our sins, why do we still do penance? And when do we do penance?
3m 30s
Why do Catholics call priests "father" if Christ commanded us to call no man father? Well, before we go cutting off our limbs or poking out our eyes, let's remember that we have to understand the context of Christ's words before tak...
3m 36s
A saint is simply someone who is in heaven. There are a lot of people in heaven who are unknown - but there are some whom we know... why? Find out how the canonization process works in today's 3MT!
3m 27s
The end is near! ...or is it? That's the topic of this week's 3MT!
3m 47s
Which provisions of the Old Law do we still have to follow? Can I eat pork? Can I get a tattoo? Find out why we no longer follow some rules in the Old Testament but still follow the 10 Commandments in this week's 3MT.
3m 53s
Who were the kings? Were there just three? What's up with that myrrh?
3m 54s
Can my loved ones hear me after they die? Do we become angels after we die? The answers to these questions and more!
3m 29s
This week we celebrate our 2nd birthday! To celebrate, we go to the mailbag to answer some of your questions.
3m 10s
We live in interesting times. This special episode of 3 Minute Theology addresses our response to the COVID 19 pandemic.
3m 34s
Why does the General Instruction of the Roman Missal call for the patens and chalice to be made of precious, noble metals?